Fruit Emoji Puzzle

Published on October 11, 2022

For our child’s first birthday, we celebrated with a fruit-themed party! Among other things, this included a fruit puzzle. The objective is to identify the fruit from the emoji, which is my own contribution to the guess-the-thing-from-the-emoji genre of puzzle. (Other entries in the genre include movies, children’s books, tv shows, Halloween candy, bands, and many more)


Fruit Emoji Puzzle


  1. Tomato
  2. Apple
  3. Starfruit
  4. Tomatillo
  5. Eggplant
  6. Blueberry
  7. Ugli Fruit
  8. Date
  9. Strawberry
  10. Pawpaw
  11. Ghost Pepper
  12. Pumpkin
  13. Mango
  14. Navel Orange
  15. Crabapple
  16. Chili Pepper
  17. Cherry
  18. Blood Orange
  19. Bell Pepper
  20. Banana
  21. Dragonfruit
  22. Rose Hips
  23. Watermelon
  24. Grape Fruit
  25. Pineapple
  26. Pear
  27. Cantaloupe
  28. Boysenberry
  29. Pink Lady
  30. Zucchini

Tags: Puzzles Fun Games